
Boner of the Day – November 11, 2014

Boner Candidate #1 – I have the right to text


Photo Courtesy by when i was a bird

According to reports, a moviegoer who made the grave mistake of asking a woman to turn off her distractingly bright cell phone ended up getting harassed and maced at a Hollywood movie screening Monday night. Read Here

Boner Candidate #2 – Give the money back you old feeb


Photo Courtesy by Steve Cadman

The Federal Emergency Management Agency is asking a group of elderly New Yorkers whose lives were ravaged by Hurricane Sandy to return thousands of dollars in aid it gave them after the storm, the Associated Press reports. Evidently, the victims spent the cash in a manner inconsistent with FEMA’s guidelines. Read Here

Boner Canidate #3 -Hey, we took out the word uppity and used demanding instead

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Photo Courtesy by Robyn Lee

An exit poll in South Carolina [is] being criticized after voters in Charleston, Columbia, Greenville, and Spartanburg were asked a series of questions about race and slavery, WSPA reports.Read Here

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