Knowing how to spend your money when buying a car will not only save you thousands of dollars but days and hours of indecision. Also, when a good deal pops up you need to bounce on it quick and know what to look for to get it. As someone who flipped cars as a hobby here are things I would look for with each purchase.
1. Know what years are garbage
To check how cars of specific makes, models, and years have handled the test of time just do a quick google search and you can find what you need to know. Never choose a used car only by its make and model as most cars have had great years and garbage years.
2. Don’t be impressed by how much the car had cost when it was new
A mid-90s to early 00s Jag brand new was close to $50,000 back in the day but the build and weird transition between the UK to Ford made for some really messed up cars that are nothing but trouble. Say hello to more electrical problems then a toaster in the bath tub.
3. Get a Carfax report
The truth is the best car in the world will have a million problems depending on how it was used in it’s past. Also a great way to know if the person selling the car is reputable.
4. Rust!
Now most cars built after 2006 have lots of rust prevention metals and plastics in them. But anything older than 6 years should be checked for rust, especially if you live in the upper Midwest or Northern eastern part of the United States.
The first place rust will start to appear is the bottom of the car. Get the car on a lift and poke around underneath to see if you find rust along the frame rails or underneath the cars doors. Rule of thumb is if the car doors or higher up on the car are rusty, then you can bet there is rust under the car where all the important components are.
5. The only way to really be sure… Make sure it’s BlueStar inspected
The fact is quick tips and tricks are never going to replace the eye and skill of a veteran mechanic who specializes in diagnostics and inspection. Best part for the buyer is checking to see if the car you are looking at is BlueStar inspected it’s a simple check on their site.
Here is a video explaining how it works: