Boner Candidate #1 – I’m Defending my property
A green bay man with an AR-15 was arraigned on a felony charge in his Packers jersey after he tried to “defend his property” from a dog, missing it with eight close range shots from the highly accurate rifle in broad daylight and instead peppering his neighbors’ property with hot rounds. (Read More)
Photo by Mr. Smashy
Boner Candidate #2 – This Sex is Grrrreeeat
Andrew Holland, a bus driver in Wales, was accused of being in possession of “extreme porn” of a woman having sex with a tiger. He was cleared of the charge in December 2009—after six months on bail—after police noticed the “tiger” in the video say, “That’s grrrrrrreat,” in an apparent homage to Tony the Tiger. (Read More)
Photo by Tim Miller
Boner Candidate #3 – Fat Girls like Halloween Too
American retail giant has apologized after a collection of Halloween outfits available for sale on its website were branded as “Fat Girl Costumes.” (Read More)
Photo by Mike Mozart
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