Every Wednesday morning at 9, Corey O’Brien (x96, 7p to midnight) joins Radio From Hell to keep your life from passing you by.
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Corey’s Concert and Event Calendar is sponsored by:
Have an event on the horizon? Submit it using the form at the bottom of this post and Corey may feature it.
*This calendar is mostly accurate. probably!
•”Ghostbusters” screening with FX Master Steve Johnson at Brewvies
He worked on movies like “Big Trouble in Little China”, “Spider-Man 2”, and “The Abyss” and now he’s dropping into Brewview for a screening and Q&A of “Ghostbusters.” Isn’t Comic Con week grand!?
•Muse, Thirty Seconds to Mars, and PVRIS at USANA
One of the last big outdoor shows of the summer. Get there early, PVRIS is worth it.
•Lounge X with Manchester Orchestra at 50 West
Before their show at The Complex, Manchester Orchestra is dropping into the X96 Lounge X for a FREE acoustic performance and meet some fans. 21+, music starts at 3p, but get there early because space is limited.
•Cosplay Night at Green Pig
You spent all that time putting your steampunk Pennywise costume together, so get the most out of it. The cover is $5 and goes to hurricane victims.
•Tove Lo at The Depot
She sings that song about going to a strip club – very edgy stuff here.
•Salt Lake Comic Con 2017
The panels, the celebs, the parties, the conference weekend is going on, too? What a weekend to be in Salt Lake. Salt Lake Comic Con runs through Saturday!
•Andrew W.K. at Metro Music Hall
He’s the party hard guy. 21+ show.
•Gem Faire at Southtowne Expo Center
You can rock, be rocked, or collect rocks. Guess which one this is? Note: free parking!
•Rob Schneider at Wiseguys
Duce is coming to town! You know this guy – it’s Elle King’s dad. He does comedy and movies and advises Rep. John Lewis from time to time, takes the stage at Wiseguys with shows tonight and Saturday.
•Paramore at UCCU Event Center
Paramore brings along Best Coast for their Tour Two to help raise awareness for the movement in Utah County for more liquor stores and high-point beer and wine to be sold in grocery stores. Just kidding – they’re just going to play music and have fun and stuff.
•Lounge X with Pepper at Poplar Street
Before their show with Tribal Seeds and more that evening, drop by and have a brew and a burger at Poplar Street and check out a FREE acoustic performance from Pepper. 21+ and music starts at noon. Get there early because space is limited!
•Pepper and Tribal Seeds at Gallivan Center
According to my sources, basically me, this is the last outdoors show of the season at Gallivan Center, so embrace and enjoy! Brought to you by Strong Volkswagen of Salt Lake City and Budweiser!
•Utah Fire Fighters Chili Cookoff at The Shoppes at Southtowne
Kick off your Saturday at 11am with some chilli for a good cause. Little known fact: chili was once the pumpkin spice of the season. Now someone get fire hydrant that shoots milk! I’ve got a five-alarmer in my colon!
•Night of Fire Jet Car Show at Rocky Mountain Raceways
Your chest will shake. Your ham will bake. Your ears will not hear anything if you don’t wear proper ear protection. These care are loud and impressive. My favorite event at RMR all year!
•GBH, The Casualties, and more at Metro Music Hall
SLC Punx approved!
•”Wall Street” 30th Anniversary Screening at Megaplex Theatres
Have you read the f*@king news?!? Greed is still good! This screening is Trump and GOP Approved.
•Take a Nap
Really! Tuesday will be a doozy and you’ve had a long weekend. Besides, you haven’t used much of that vacation time you’ve saved up all year. Even though you don’t really have a lot of dough to travel because your student loans take all your disposable income, you can still read a book or borrow your buddy’s HBO Go password. Sell some things on Letgo and buy yourself a used bicycle on Craigslist and go for a ride on the Jordan River Parkway. The world is your oyster!
•Scorpions and Megadeath at USANA
I follow the moskva, down to U-SANA! Listening to the wind of shhhhhaaaaammmmeee! Have you ever been to Costco and on a heavy sample day and ate so many random things that you feel completely satisfied with your life that you want to lay down next to a fire on a fuzzy rug with your lover, an open jar a peanut butter, and “Black Mirror” on the TV? That’s how you’ll feel after this show…you can’t explain how you’re sweating bullets, but feel like there’s still no one like you that could send me an angel.
•Buckethead at The Depot
I still don’t get this dude, but some people do. That’s about all I have to say about that.
•Insane Clowne Posse at The Complex
Hot off their march on Washington to protest that they have been labeled a gang, there’s only one question you can ask yourself, “will they play ‘Neden Game’?” I’m no Juggalo nor am I down with the clown, but I do own a copy of “The Great Milenko” before Disney yanked the album due to content (also, I know “Neden Game” wasn’t on the original release, so don’t email me about it). Fago all the way, though? No?
•Doobie Brothers at Eccles Theatre
And there’s this…as Doobie as they wanna be. Due to content, alcoholic beverages may be banned…wait, that was Book of Mormon. My bad. It’s 2017 people! Look alive!
There’s always more on our YUGE calendar.
Have an event? Tell Corey about it…
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