
The X96 30th Anniversary Museum!

Step right up and into the X96 30th Anniversary Museum

We are looking back at three decades of X96 with this, the X96 30th Anniversary Museum! This is not like any ordinary museum with a snooty, art historian as its curator. This museum is curated a little by us and a little by you.

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We have put in some of our memorable interviews, photographs, documents, videos, and more so you can walk down memory lane with us. We’ve been broadcast from a lot of places over the years: our old studio in Ogden, Arrow Press Square, our studios right across from the Temple above Utah Woolen Mills (when Crossroads Plaza was still around),  Trolley Square, and our current home in downtown Salt Lake right above Ruth’s Chris, where everyday smells like steak. It’s where we always hope we’d end up.

Kerry Jackson, Bill Allred, Kerry Jackson, Todd Nuke’em, and Corey O’Brien are from here and have been on X96 for a long time. You don’t find that in many places these days. Another reason Utah is unique.

RFH - X96 30th Anniversary Museum

Bill Allred, Howard Jones, and Kerry Jackson

We’ve been through years of Big Ass Shows, Nightmare Before Xmas shows, countless live broadcasts, and years and years of Warped Tours.  Radio From Hell and X96 is still here after roughly 15,768,000 minutes of broadcasting.

We will continue to add to this “museum” as we uncover X96 artifacts, but if you have a photo with a band or an X96 staff member from over the years, maybe even a video from an X96 concert, we’d love to have the addition to our little walk down memory lane in the official X96 30th Anniversary Museum. Maybe you even have an audio clip of you on Radio From Hell that you’ve saved over the years. Upload that and share it with everyone.

We are very excited to see what you have to contribute!

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