Alt. Rock News

Boner Candidates for October 24, 2016

Boner Candidate #1: BUT I DON’T HAVE A CHILD.

While a woman spent part of the workday at a shopping center purchasing supplies, Suffolk, Virginia police notified Jasmine Turner on Thursday that there was a child locked in Turner’s car on a hot afternoon. This stemmed from a 911 call from a concerned citizen who believed there was a child stuck in Turner’s backseat. Temperatures in Suffolk reached the mid 80s on Thursday, prompting the concern.

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A Thai man was taken to hospital to have a sex toy removed with boltcutters after it got stuck on his penis. He was using the device at home but was left in agony when he could not detach it from his manhood. He called the emergency services who sent an ambulance to take him to the nearest hospital in Bangkok, Thailand. Eye-watering pictures show medics using 2ft-long boltcutters and a hacksaw to cut off the small penis ring on Wednesday night. The

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A mother was arrested for child neglect after a hotel employee discovered she wasn’t feeding her child, according to the Orange County Sheriff’s Office arrest report. The Intown Suites employee called police on Thursday after Amanda Owen, 29, came to the office asking why she had not been fed yet and looking for food for her child, according to the Orange County arrest report. Owen thought she was in a rehabilitation center and the hotel employee was her counselor, the employee told deputies.

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