Alt. Rock News

Boner Candidates for Wednesday November 19th 2014

Boner Candidate #1 –  Just Getting The Little Cop Some Air



Photo Courtesy of West Midlands Police

Jason Miller, 37, was arrested Monday and charged with official misconduct and public lewdness after a review of his traffic stops revealed he had a habit of revealing himself to young male motorists, the Smoking Gun reports.

(Read Full Story)

Boner Candidate #2 – Insurance Strikes Again



Photo Courtesy of Aaron Steele

A Saskatchewan couple may be stuck with medical bills of nearly $1,000,000 because their child was born prematurely during a vacation in Hawaii. Their insurance company refuses to pay for the delivery and the recovery, arguing the pregnancy was high-risk and a pre-existing condition. (Read Full Story)

Boner Candidate #3 – School Officials Can Be So Racially Sensitive



Photo Courtesy of candyfields29

Students at Booker T. Washington High School in Norfolk, Virginia walked out of class on Monday to protest a school official’s Twitter message that referred to young black men as a “nightmare” for white fathers. (Read Full Story)

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