A tourist snapped a shot of a “big fish” while on vacation and got many on the hook for another debate about whether or not the Loch Ness monster is really real. Steve Chalice, the tourist who took the picture, estimated that in the photo the fish was about 30 feet away and 8 feet long says he was simply getting a picture of the opposite shore when he got the picture of a large “ripple in the water.”
Loch Ness Monster debate sparked after mystery creature 'pictured' by tourist https://t.co/Lott1hN3Bt pic.twitter.com/xC5Vcur7qP
— Daily Mirror (@DailyMirror) June 23, 2020
While many that have seen the picture believe that this indeed could be a picture of the fabled monster Steve says, “Personally I know there has been some interest and some people saying it’s the monster but I don’t believe that.” As a matter of fact, a digital photography expert is on Steve’s side and goes as far as to say he thinks the photo could have been photoshopped.