These cops are apparently veritable super troopers. A sheriff’s deputy and a cop in Indiana allegedly made prank calls to an emergency dispatcher while getting boozed up at a house party – and were arrested after one call was traced to a phone owned by one of the officers. Hamilton County Sheriff’s Deputy David Needham, 39, and Cicero Police Officer Bradley Gorgas, 40, were charged with one misdemeanor count of false reporting after they were drinking alcohol during a party at Gorgas’ home on May 1 and decided to prank-call the county’s 911 dispatch center, according to court documents obtained by the Indianapolis Star.
Boner Candidate #2: SSSAM!
For the second time this year, a Philadelphia Starbucks is at the center of controversy after a worker was accused of mocking a man with a stutter. Tan Lekwijit said the incident began when his friend Sam visited the Starbucks on 34th and Walnut streets in University City back on June 27. According to Lekwijit, Sam, a 28-year-old University of Pennsylvania graduate student who has a stutter, stuttered when he told the barista his name after he ordered a coffee. The barista allegedly replied by saying, “Okay, S-S-S-Sam.” Lekwijit said the mockery continued when Sam received his coffee and saw the name the barista wrote on the cup. “His name on the cup was written as ‘SSSAM,’ which was disrespectful,” Lekwijit said.
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