Alt. Rock News

Boner (Round One) for April 25th, 2017


Scott Baio feels terrible for ripping his co-star, Erin Moran, for her drug use and says he never would have done it if he’d known she was battling cancer. Scott tells TMZ he was wrong to insinuate Erin — his “Happy Days” and “Joanie Loves Chachi” co-star — had died from drug-related problems. He went pretty hard on her during a radio interview Monday morning. He tells us he went to bed Sunday reading reports she’d possibly died of a heroin overdose, and went into the interview with that in mind. He was upset he’d lost Erin to drugs after she wrestled with substance abuse for years. However, hours after he went off the air … officials in Indiana announced Erin had likely died from complications of stage 4 cancer. Scott says if he had known, he would’ve kept his mouth shut. He tells us Erin never disclosed her diagnosis to him — even after his wife, Renee, spoke to her just last month. He adds … Renee has battled cancer herself several times, so losing Erin this way hits close to home.

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It was the return of the living dead — and dumb burglars. Officers said a Florida man blamed zombies for reportedly breaking into a home twice in one night. Patrick Ray, 31, was arrested early Thursday morning for burglarizing a home in Deltona, Florida, and allegedly stealing a number of belongings, including a pink selfie stick, wallet and car keys. According to the Volusia County Sheriff’s Office, Ray was caught on surveillance cameras taking a house key from a vehicle parked in the driveway to enter the house. The homeowner told deputies he woke up at 3 a.m. after hearing Ray going through his dresser drawers. He said Ray walked out of the home when he saw him, but then returned minutes later wearing a stolen coat. Ray allegedly told the owner that there were “zombies trying to get him and he felt uncomfortable outside,” news station WKMG reported. The owner called the police, and blocked Ray from leaving the home until they arrived. Ray faces burglary charges and was booked at Volusia County Jail. He’s being held on $17,000 bail.

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Two South Florida residents are facing charges after they were accused of attacking a woman while a 5-month-old child under their care lay bleeding on the ground. One of the suspects dropped a car seat — with the baby still in it — to join the altercation, police said. Riviera Beach Police arrested Naura Haliburton, 25, and Rodney Frazier, 24, Wednesday on multiple charges, including battery and child neglect. As of Friday, Frazier remained at the Palm Beach County Jail in lieu of $7,000 bail. Haliburton was released under supervision Thursday after she posted an $8,000 bail bond. Police say the pair took the child to St. Mary’s Medical Center after leaving the scene of the altercation. The arrest report does not specify either Haliburton or Frazier’s relationship to the child. However, an investigator from the Department of Children and Families was called to review the situation. The report does not specify who was assigned custody of the child. According to the report, the situation unfolded shortly before 10 a.m.Wednesday at a residence in Riviera Beach. Police did not disclose the address. A 22-year-old woman told police investigators Haliburton provoked an argument, then Halliburton and Frazier forced their way into the residence when the woman refused to let them in. The woman said Haliburton was upset because she believed the woman was making phone calls to others about her. As the dispute intensified, Frazier went back outside to remove the baby from the car. When he came back, Frazier saw Haliburton and the other woman fighting. He dropped the car seat to join the altercation, police said. A witness told investigators the child fell out of the seat onto the ground crying and had blood coming from his lip. Haliburton and Frazier picked the child up, put him in the car and drove away, police said.

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