I’ve often said I think I can wear almost any style of sunglasses; men’s, women’s, large, small….whatever. I can wear them and look pretty, pretty, pretty good. I’ve included a couple of photos here that I think demonstrate what I am talking about. I can ROCK any pair of sunglasses! Or, rather, I could until I saw a pair at the D.I. (you know, Deseret Industries Thrift Store.) These babies cost me a buck. I thought, “okay, this will be a true test.” Well, I met my match. I cannot ROCK these deer antler sunglasses. I will never wear them again. And, who the hell made these? and who the hell would ever wear them? If you think you could, they could be yours. Contact me at [email protected] and I’ll decide who gets them based on your email…..if I get any email because, who would ever want these? Let me know.
Bill Allred, Radio From Hell—–out.