
Man Sleeping by Pool Awoken by Bear

A Massachusetts man napping by the side of his pool over the weekend received an unexpected awakening when a bear wandered onto his property and gently jostled one of his feet.

Greenfield resident Matt Bete was sleeping in a lawn chair Saturday when a black bear strolled into his backyard through an open gate, security camera footage reveals. After the bear takes a drink from the pool, it appears to notice Bete before walking over to him. Using its paw, the curious animal gently nudges one of Bete’s feet for several seconds before the man finally wakes up, the video shows.

Needless to say, Bete appears to be startled — but not nearly as startled as the bear, who immediately jumps back and makes a beeline for the gate.
What’s the most unsettling thing you’ve woken up to? Have you ever encountered a bear?

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