Which US city is the best place in the country to live? If you said Austin, collect your prize money and go find a home. For the third year in a row, the city that keeps Texas (despite the existence of Ted Cruz) weird has topped the rankings at U.S. News and World Report. Crunching the data on 125 cities, Austin’s low unemployment, high incomes, and below-average rate of violent crime helped place the Lone Star State’s capital over Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston, and San Antonio. Thinking of cashing out and living the rest of your days in Austin? You’d do well says the survey, which puts the city at 4th for retirement.
To be one of the #BestPlaces to Live, an area must have good value, have a strong job market and a high quality of life.
That’s what makes Austin, Texas, once again, the Best Place to Live in America. https://t.co/oOjzKBo7W1 pic.twitter.com/wXF1Szf7vr
— U.S. News (@usnews) April 9, 2019
Salt Lake City moved up to #24 despite rising housing costs and Senator Mike Lee, but in spite of this reason: “Salt Lake City is not as devout as it once was. The Latter-day Saints’ health code won’t keep you from enjoying a cup of coffee in the morning, and many restaurants now have a liquor license. Today, Salt Lake City offers much more than a strong religious community.” Oi! Read more about why we’re number 24 here.