Alt. Rock News

Boner of the Day for August 29th, 2019

 Round One


In wake of the deadly mass shootings that took place in Dayton, Ohio, and El Paso, Texas, Fox Nation host Tomi Lahren has introduced an athleisure fashion collection, Freedom by Tomi Lahren, in collaboration with Texas-based company Alexo Athletica, a company founded by former NRATV host Amy Robbins. The company is known for its Signature Carrywear leggings and shorts with built-in gun holsters, and the products are made in China — leaving many up in arms about the new line. “For those who love God, Guns and Country and are proud to show it. Freedom.,” the 27-year-old conservative news commentator tweeted Friday with a link to her new line. The post generated 8,500 comments, with many calling out the fact that the tags on Alexo Athletica products show that they are made in China, contradicting her patriotic description. Lahren posted a refusal by Twitter to ban a verified account that posted a response referring to the collection as “horribly executed, vomit-inducing, nauseating trash” and called for Lahren and those involved in producing the line to “kill yourselves.” Read More


Justin Clifton just wanted to get home without causing a stir. A beeline seemed like the best route. The 34-year-old Hayden man was arrested early Saturday inside the secure perimeter of the Kootenai County jail and charged with criminal trespassing. He’ll be arraigned next month. Clifton’s misdemeanor arraignment will be at 8:30 a.m. Sept. 16 before First District Magistrate Judge Robert Caldwell in Coeur d’Alene. Clifton wanted to make it home safely Saturday evening after having a few beers at the North Idaho State Fair and Rodeo. Instead of driving, he walked north across the fair parking lot until he was met with an obstruction. And then another one.  Fences with concertina wire on top marking the edge of the secure area of the Kootenai County jail yard weren’t made to stop Clifton, he told deputies. Not when he was determined to get home. “(He) told me something to the effect of he was a Montana boy and the fastest way home is a straight line,” Deputy Robert Imthurn wrote in a report. Clifton was first observed walking around inside the jail yard at 12:22 a.m. by jail employees watching a security camera. Read More

Boner Candidate #3: LARRY, YOU ARE NOT HELPING

MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell issued an on-air clarification Tuesday after making shocking claims about President Donald Trump’s ties to Russian oligarchs that had not been vetted by NBC News. In response to a Democrat-controlled House committee subpoena, Deutsche Bank revealed Tuesday that it was in possession of tax returns “related to” Trump or his immediate family. While the partially redacted filings did not specify whose tax returns the bank possessed, O’Donnell opened The Last Word by claiming they were President Trump’s, based on “what one source close to Deutsche Bank has revealed to me.” O’Donnell claimed later in the segment that his source’s information “goes a few very important steps beyond” publicly available information, and that “the Trump tax returns reveal that the president pays little to no income taxes in some years.” MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell issued an on-air clarification Tuesday after making shocking claims about President Donald Trump’s ties to Russian oligarchs that had not been vetted by NBC News. “If true, that would explain every kind word Donald Trump has ever said about Russia and Vladimir Putin, if true,” he continued. “If true, that would be a significant factor in Vladimir Putin’s publicly stated preference for presidential candidate Donald Trump over presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.” Read More

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Round Two


Incoming Harvard University freshman Ismail B. Ajjawi, a 17-year-old Palestinian refugee living in Lebanon, had his visa revoked hours after landing in the U.S. Friday night
Ajjawi says he spent a total of eight hours in Boston, which has nearest airport to the Cambridge, Massachusetts university, before he was forced to leave. After landing he and several other international students faced questioning from immigration officials. But Ajjawi was held back while his peers were allowed to go. He alleges that an immigration officer continued to question him about his religion and religious practices in Lebanon. That officer then asked the student to unlock his phone and laptop and searched them for five hours, Ajjawi alleges. The officer then asked him about his friends’ social media activity saying she found posts sharing political views that were against the US. ‘When I asked every time to have my phone back so I could tell them about the situation, the officer refused and told me to sit back in [my] position and not move at all,’ Ajjawi said. ‘After the 5 hours ended, she called me into a room, and she started screaming at me. She said that she found people posting political points of view that oppose the US on my friend[s] list,’ he added. Ajjawi replied saying that the political posts were not his own. ‘I responded that I have no business with such posts and that I didn’t like, [s]hare or comment on them and told her that I shouldn’t be held responsible for what others post,’ he said. Read More


LYNCHBURG, Va. (Reuters) – Evangelical leader and prominent Donald Trump backer Jerry Falwell Jr personally approved real estate transactions by his nonprofit Christian university that helped his personal fitness trainer obtain valuable university property, according to real estate records, internal university emails and interviews. Now, after a series of university real estate transactions signed by Falwell, Crosswhite owns a sprawling 18-acre racquet sports and fitness facility on former Liberty property. Last year, a local bank approved a line of credit allowing Crosswhite’s business to borrow as much as $2 million against the property. Falwell, one of the most influential right-wing Christian leaders in the United States, has been buffeted by disclosures about his private dealings over the last year and a half. A Florida lawsuit brought public scrutiny to a relationship between the Falwells and Giancarlo Granda, a young man they befriended while he was working as a pool attendant at a luxury Miami Beach hotel and later backed in a business venture involving a youth hostel. Falwell filed an affidavit in 2018 saying he used his own wealth to lend $1.8 million to the $4.65 million project with Granda. Read More


The mother whose biracial son was dragged by a Davis School bus wants the driver to face jail time. It comes after she was awarded a settlement with the district in a civil rights lawsuit. During a meeting with prosecutors on Monday, Brenda Mayes admits she left in tears when told they were considering charging the bus driver with reckless driving, a class B misdemeanor. “This is absolutely a hate crime,” Mayes said. Surveillance video shows Mayes’ 13-year-old son stepping off the bus at West Point Junior High on February 7. The doors close, catching his backpack before he’s dragged up to 175 feet. “When a grown adult makes a decision to do something that has a high likelihood of killing a child, there needs to be jail time,” Mayes said. “There needs to be a consequence.” Mayes received a settlement of $62,500 after suing the district for racial discrimination and assault. She said the driver, John Naisbitt, is racist and targeted her biracial son. “Would you say that you’re a racist,” FOX13’s Hailey Higgins asked Naisbitt at his Hooper home on May 7. “Not at all. No. Look at my dog, he’s as black as could be,” Naisbitt said. Naisbitt retired days after the incident to avoid getting fired. He claims he gave proper warning the door was closing and that the incident was staged. Read More

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