Alt. Rock News

Bill Frost for December 17th, 2018

Ellen DeGeneres: Relatable (Standup Special, Tuesday Dec 18, Netflix)

Ellen’s first new comedy special in 15 years! Hard to believe she hasn’t been on TV at all for that long. Where’s she been?

Full Frontal With Samantha Bee: Christmas on I.C.E. (Holiday Special, Wednesday Dec 19, TBS)

A Christmas-y Full Frontal that promises “music, laughter, joy, deep rage that the administration is separating migrant families, and gingerbread.” Ho, ho, nooo!


Timeless (2-Hour Series Finale, Thursday Nov 20, NBC)

The time gang says buh-bye and jumps in the Tardis for one last adventure! Tardis … right show? Whatever.

Marvel’s Runaways (Season 2 Premiere, Friday Dec 21, Hulu)

Hey, there’s still some Marvel shows that haven’t been canceled yet. Operative word, “yet.”

Watership Down (Miniseries, Sunday Dec 23, Netflix)

The beloved tale of rabbits other than Bugs and Peter, as voiced by Sir Ben Kingsley, Rosamund Pike, Peter Capaldi, James MacAvoy and John Boyega. A Doctor Who, an X-Men and a Star War!


10 of Bill Frost Favorite Shows of 2018:

KILLING EVE (BBC America; Season 1 on Hulu)
BARRY (HBO; Season 1 on HBO Now, HBO Go, HBO Amazon)
BOJACK HORSEMAN (Netflix; Seasons 1-5 on Netflix)
LODGE 49 (AMC; Season 1 on AMC on-demand, AMC app)
ALTERED CARBON (Netflix; Season 1 on Netflix)
THE GOOD PLACE (NBC; Seasons 1-2 on Netflix, Hulu, NBC on-demand, NBC app)
GLOW (Netflix; Seasons 1-2 on Netflix)
HOMECOMING (Amazon Prime Video; Season 1 on Amazon Prime Video)
THE AMERICANS (FX; Seasons 1-6 on Amazon Prime Video)
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