Alt. Rock News

Boner of the Day for September 25th, 2019

Round One


A Bountiful woman is sharing her frustration after her several items have been stolen from her son’s grave. Debbie Bennion goes to Memorial Lake View Cemetery nearly every day to visit her son Cory Sovereen, who died in 2005. Until recently, she would decorate his grave site. “Strange as it might seem, I always had in the back of my mind that it would fix everything if everything was beautiful,” Bennion said. “I came to find out that doesn’t work.” Read More

Boner Candidate #2: IT WAS AS PINK AS IT COULD BE

Charlotte Parker said the meat in the sandwich she was served was as “raw as it could be, pink as it could be.” An Arizona grandmother is chicken to eat at Burger King after she was sold a sandwich that contained raw meat. Charlotte Parker of Goodyear said she purchased the sandwich last Thursday for her 13-year-old granddaughter. The girl took a few bites when she commented there was something different about this particular sandwich. “Caitlin got hers out, took a couple of bites and says, Nanny, what’s wrong with this?” Parker told local news station KTVK. “I said what do you mean what’s wrong with it? She said, look at it. She handed it to me, and you could see the meat was raw as it could be, pink as it could be.” Read More

Boner Candidate #3: DADDY. DADDY. HELP ME

A family in Taylorsville received a terrifying phone call from a man who said he kidnapped their seven-year-old daughter. The call turned out to be a scam, but police say it is significantly more aggressive and elaborate than most. The scammer even pretended to put the girl on the phone, instantly scaring mother Meghan Garfield and father Christopher Cook. “When we answered it, we could hear a little girl who was crying and saying, ‘Daddy! Daddy, help me!’” Garfield said. “It makes me cry every time… We didn’t think it was (real), but on the off-chance that it was, it was just terrifying.” Read More 

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Round Two


A Swiss man who went missing over the weekend after falling into a Disneyland Paris lake while allegedly under the influence of LSD was found naked and confused after a 130-person search-and-rescue effort, according to French media reports. The 32-year-old man was reported missing Friday night by his 30-year-old girlfriend, who told police her boyfriend fell into an Adventureland lake and didn’t resurface after she gave him the hallucinogenic drug, Le Parisien reported. Sign up for our Park Life newsletter and find out what’s new and interesting every week at Southern California’s theme parks. The woman alerted theme park officials that the man was missing and a search party was quickly formed with 30 firefighters, 10 divers, 10 policemen, 80 Disneyland Paris employees and a police helicopter with a thermal-imaging camera. Read More

Boner Candidate #2: ST. GEORGE PRIDE

Municipal officials in Utah say they want to reevaluate an ordinance that allowed banners for a gay pride festival to be hung from city light posts. The Spectrum reported banners in St. George for the Pride of Southern Utah festival Saturday have caused a discussion of possible limits on signage hung from city-owned property. The festival that drew hundreds of people to the city in southwest Utah also caused online debates about the banners on St. George Boulevard. The discussion began after an email from Councilwoman Michele Randall saying she was unhappy with the banners was posted on social media. Randall’s message says the city council should reconsider allowing “political statements” on municipal property. Mayor Jon Pike says the policy that likely predates the current council should be reconsidered. Read More

Boner Candidate #3: WHO PAYS FOR THE DAMAGE?

Landlord demands tenant pay for burglar’s damage. If a burglar kicks in the front door, is the landlord responsible or the tenant? When a Brigham City renter was slapped with a massive bill to replace the front door on his apartment, he decided it was time to Get Gephardt to investigate. Richard Johnston came home one day to find his front door kicked in. The company which manages the building fixed the door then sent Johnston a bill for $1,100. “I don’t see how I’m responsible for being burglarized,” he said. “I just don’t understand that.” The replacement door doesn’t even appear to be new. It is covered in scuff marks and faded paint showing there used to be a different number screwed to the front. Johnston believes the door came from an empty apartment down the hall. Johnston says when he protested the bill with his landlord, the landlord refused to budge. Johnston says the landlord suggested he file a claim with his renter’s insurance. He tried.
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