Radio From Hell

Radio From Hell Wellness Check | 11.28.2023

How to Stay Connected During the Holiday Season

The holiday season can be a time of joy, celebrations, and togetherness. In our increasingly busy and disconnected world, it can be difficult to feel the joy and connection. This time of year often reminds us of the importance of relationships and connections. Follow these tips on how to stay connected this holiday season, and year-round.

  • Make Connections a Priority
    • Be intentional about connecting with others by scheduling time for connections and being present while spending time together.
  • Connect in Creative Ways
    • Embrace virtual connections, set up a group call, send a text message or call someone to help bridge the gap and connect with those who are far away.
    • Do a service project together, take your family out to shovel driveways, or volunteer at the food pantry with your friend group. Volunteering will help foster connection and help other.
    • Send a greeting card or personal note, connect with friend and family through written letters and cards.
    • Attend and support community events. Many cities host holiday events, such as tree lightings, this is a great way to connect with others in your area.
  • Put away technology.
    • o If possible, when connecting in real life with people try to put phones away and turn off other devices. Removing the distraction of technology will hep you to remain present with those you are interacting with. If you are connecting via technology, turn off other notifications and close other browser windows.
  • Set and Hold Boundaries
    • Do your best to align your interactions with your personal values. This might mean saying “no” to events or conversations. Setting boundaries allows you to bring your most authentic self to each interaction.
  • Be Flexible
    • As the saying goes, “the only constant is change,” keep this in mind as you plan your holiday outings. If your favorite traditions are interrupted, try to embrace the change and go with the flow. It might be tempting to focus on creating the “perfect” moment, try to remember that the people with you are more important than a great picture, or perfectly executed dinner.

The holidays can be a time of joy and laughter. By prioritizing meaningful connections and staying engaged with your loved ones, you can ensure that the holidays are truly special and full of warmth, whether you’re together in person or connecting from a distance.

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