Spring Cleaning for Better Health
Spring is a time of new beginnings, flowers blooming, and birds singing. It is also a traditional time of cleaning up around the house and yard to prepare for the new season shake off the wintertime blues. There are many benefits to tidying up your space.
Spring Cleaning Can
- Help reduce allergies.
- By removing dust etc.
- Benefit mental health.
- Removing physical clutter can help reduce stress.
- Gets you moving.
- Cleaning is a great way to get extra steps and movement into your day.
Spring Cleaning can feel overwhelming, here are some tips for success.
- Start small.
- Focus on one room (or one corner of a room) at a time.
- Get family/housemates involved.
- Work together to get more work done and feel more connected.
- Make it fun.
- Play your favorite music, make it game, or watch something on TV while cleaning.
- Set a timer.
- Cleaning does not have to take your entire day (or weekend). Set a timer for 30 minutes and see how much you can get done.
Spring cleaning can feel like a daunting task, but it’s a great way to help boost your physical and mental wellbeing. Breaking it into small pieces and sharing the work with others can help to make it more manageable. As always, start where you are, do what you can, and celebrate the small wins.