
3-bit Gaming for August 7th, 2018

Dead Cells

August 7 (PlayStation 4, Xbox One)

  • Rougelike metroidvania game
  • One death sends you back to the beginning of the game, but you keep some of your cool gear for the next try

Overcooked 2

August 7 (Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC)

  • Co-operative cooking simulation game
  • Chop, cook, clean, work with team to manage kitchen

Madden 19

August 10 (PlayStation 4, Xbox One)

  • Improved running and catching
  • One of the best Madden titles in years

We Happy Few

August 10 (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC)

  • Set in a 1960s post-WWII Britain in which Germany conquered Britain
  • The residents of a small village have collectively started taking a hallucinogen called Joy that “suppresses all unhappy memories, leaving its user to exhibit immense joy and happiness, but subjects them to decreased recognition of moral and long-term consequences, and leaves them easily manipulable.”
  • You must survive in this dystopia, hiding from other people while scavenging food and weapons

World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth

August 14 (PC, MacOS)

  • Two main factions have broken out into a massive war after nearly achieving peace
  • The tidbits revealed about the story have sent shockwaves through the fan community


August 14 (PC, Sega Mega Drive)

  • Play as a cute fox trying to find its family
  • Was actually developed on a Sega Genesis developer kit using Windows 95
  • Sega doesn’t even have the capabilities to QA test it
  • One person developed the entire game and manufactured the cartridges, which run on old Sega Genesis consoles


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