After spending a day trying to keep her 3-year-old entertained while waiting in ridiculously long lines, one mother has come up with an idea to combat overcrowding at Disney World: Ban childless millennials. In a rant posted on Facebook, the unnamed woman says she’s sick of seeing “childless couples” at Disney World. She writes, “IT P*SSES ME OFF TO NO END!!!!! When I see CHILDLESS COUPLES WITHOUT KIDS AT DISNEY WORLD!!!! DW is a FAMILY amusement park!!!! yet these IMMATURE MILLENNIALS THROW THEIR MONEY AWAY ON USELESS CRAP!!!” Her solution? “People without CHILDREN need to be BANNED!!!!”
The angry woman’s plan has received little support from the online community. One person comments, “As a single person with no kids who goes to Disney World all the time, this is making me feel extremely powerful.” Another points out that “a childless couple is still a family.” While yet another offers advice to the woman: “Take a pill, lady!”
who would like to come with me, a Childless Slut, to disney https://t.co/UYtcFFdaov
— 🤟🏼 (@ghostpooI) July 25, 2019
This actually makes me want to go to Disney World with a friend and be visibly childless in front of people just to trigger people who have this attitude.. https://t.co/Eiojzyqdwt
— Bruce Bostwick (@BruceBATX) July 25, 2019
I’m a childless woman who goes to Disney a lot. I spend my money on treats and souvenirs. I use fast passes to not wait in lines. I’m allowed to enjoy the Disney Parks even though I’m the not a Mom. I love Disney with a passion. 😡#DisneyWorld #Disneyland #disney https://t.co/pqjjVkP1Ev
— Tawney_Bland (@TawneyBland) July 25, 2019
Being a person that's in a childless relationship and goes to Disney parks regularly, this makes me feel extremely powerful.
Yes, I am the reason your child is crying and guess what? I don't even like pretzels https://t.co/BHuZXTeL0H
— Justin: Into the Salva-Verse (@SspaceC) July 25, 2019
Feels like maybe people like this should be the ones “banned” from Disney. The hypocrisy and entitlement is real for this woman. #disneyforall @DisneyParks https://t.co/JAYFKnVUeX
— Chelsea Taylor (@_chelstaylor) July 25, 2019