DIY Your Own NES Classic Edition
This article is for entertainment purposes only.
So the hot gift of the year is the new mini Nintendo Classic loaded with 30 of your favorite games. The trouble is that every is sold out. Whether Nintendo is holding back inventory to increase demand, we may never know, though they claim there will be supply through the holidays. However, I hit up Amazon, Game Stop, Target, Wally-Marts and Jesus, but none of them could take my money or prayers in exchange for a classic NES. It’s a good thing we are a persistent, “can’t-tell-me-no”, DIY culture.
It’s a cruel world we live in and if daddy wants to play Dr. Mario then daddy should. Then I found this happy little video on YouTube and got that crafty feeling in my bones. Let’s face facts, it’s what Donald J. Trump would do. Big League. No one put gamer in the corner.
You need a PieCart. It will cost about $99 once all is said and done with controllers and that whatnot, which is more than the store-bought, brand name Nintendo, but you can load it up with a whole lot more games. I hope you like weekend projects. This guy explains it pretty well, so I’ll let him do the talking.
Here’s the step-by-step breakdown.
Merry Christmas.