X96 Welcomes back the Craft Lake City Festival!
Listen to Radio From Hell all week to win your tickets to this annual, local DIY festival at the Utah State Fair Park on August 14th and 15th, and enter below for a chance to win VIP tickets and tickets to the Ritt Momney show on August 13th!
From 7/5/21 to 7/12/21 and 8/1/21 to 8/14/21 X96 will be giving away tickets to the Craft Lake City DIY Festival. Between 6 AM and 10 AM a caller at random to the X96 Contest phone line will be selected to win (2) GA passes to the Craft Lake City festival. In addition, a contest will be featured on X96.com via our official online entry form. On or after July 5th, 2021 (1) online entry will be selected at random to win (2) VIP passes to the Craft Lake City Festival. Prizes provided by Craft Lake City. Craft Lake City GA tickets are valued at $15 each. Tickets to Ritt Momney are valued at $15 each, VIP tickets valued at $30 each. These rules are in addition to Broadway Media’s General Contest Rules.