
Millionaire Crashes $750K Porsche during Joyride on Empty NYC Streets

Finding the streets of Manhattan unclogged by taxis, delivery trucks and jaywalking pedestrians is something that almost never happens. So when the millionaire owner of a Porsche Mirage GT found that most of the city’s residents were abiding by the governor’s stay-at-home order, he decided to take his $750,000 vehicle out for a spin — and he ended up totaling it. Benjamin Chen, the 33-year-old car enthusiast who started the famed Gold Rush Rally, embarked on his fast-paced joyride at about 7:30 a.m. Tuesday, according to the NYPD. Video footage shows him zooming through the streets of the Big Apple for several minutes before he begins to lose control on 11th Avenue, clipping at least five parked vehicles. He finally plows into another parked car, turning his luxury Porsche into a twisted ball of metal, the video shows. After taking Chen into custody, police determined he was under the influence of drugs during the solo race. He’s been charged with reckless driving and driving under the influence of drugs.

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