Taste and Vote for Best Cocktail in Park City
August 1st – 31st in Park City
Watch the Happy Hour Video with RFH HERE! Use the Password: PC@ra818
The past 6 months have pushed us to the brink! Don’t you think we could all use a good drink!? Park City and X96 are excited to announce the return of the Park City Annual Cocktail Contest! Where Park City’s most talented mixologists battle for the “Best Cocktail” award.
Throughout the month of August, locals & guests are invited to sample their delicious mixed drinks at participating Park City restaurants & bars. The mixologist with the most votes takes home $500 cash along with recognition and bragging rights! Visit parkcityrestaurants.com for a list of participating establishments and cast your vote!
Park City Cocktail contest is giving away Bartender’s Box, a Top Shelf cocktail experience delivered right to your door. Equipped with fresh ingredients and helpful how-to videos, boxes include everything you need to prepare high-end, quality cocktails at home. Each Saturday through the month they will draw a name from those who have voted, giving away a total of 4 boxes. Winners will get to choose which box they want.
You must be at least 21 years old. Limit one vote per person.