Just like that, Tumblr became a place with no adult content. The change happened on Monday. On December 3rd, Tumblr announced the December 17th ban on adult material including sexual acts, exposed genitals, and female ‘presenting nipples.’ Those posts are being hidden as their automated system goes through to flag all of the content that breaks the new rules. There has been a lot of backlash from users. Some criticized the ban on female nipples while male nipples remain ok. Other remarked that the flagging system isn’t working because regular posts of dogs, cats and turtles were marked as inappropriate.
Getting ready to check #tumblr today like pic.twitter.com/T0uKMQKTVq
— DeusVenenare (@DVenenare) December 18, 2018
Everyone’s tumblr account avi pic.twitter.com/NuCRNnhfU7
— HENDRY HILMY HILLS (@xHiLeAl_DeBestx) December 18, 2018
Me watching tumblr destroy itself after backing up all my work. *sips rasberry cider like a boss* #tumblrpurge pic.twitter.com/bKYq6Hdo3i
— Timothy Prickett (@timothyp873) December 18, 2018
>Tumblr trying to find its userbase after December 17th. pic.twitter.com/CzGBeXBPTo
— DorkyOreoPonyo (@DorkyOreosaurus) December 18, 2018
People trying to log into their tumblr accounts after midnight #tumblr pic.twitter.com/OzS9gU47xy
— Sated Hyena (@whoisdantehayes) December 18, 2018