Boner Candidate #1 – Now We’ll Have to Contact Your References
Photo Courtesy of Kate Batchelor
A man’s job prospects are not looking good after he allegedly stabbed the boss during an interview Monday afternoon.
Boner Candidate #2 – Do NOT Pass Go
Photo Courtesy of GS Andre
Alyssa Ferraro, 21, had a heated game of Monopoly that wound up with Ferraro being charged with domestic abuse and getting a trip to jail. To be fair, after you’ve been playing Monopoly for three hours and keep landing on your opponents Boardwalk, things can get a little tense.
Boner Candidate #3 – OBVIOUSLY!?
Photo Courtesy of JD Lasica
Don Lemon really needs to start to think before he speaks on live television. Speaking with Anderson Cooper, Lemon reported hearing the sounds of gunfire and seeing protesters jumping on cars. And then he said: “Obviously, there is the smell of marijuana in the air.”
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