Alt. Rock News

Boner Fight for April 26th, 2018


Liberty Gratz has been working at the Publix on Hull Street Road since it opened last Fall. Out of all the shifts she has completed, what happened on Sunday afternoon is burned into her memory. “All of a sudden, I felt some woman hit me in my back,” Liberty recounted through her mom Jeanette Gratz’s interpreting. Liberty is deaf and says she could not hear the woman asking where to find an item in the store when the scene turned violent. Liberty, who also has vision loss, remembers kneeling down to straighten out a bottom shelf when she felt the knock out of nowhere. “She doesn’t have that peripheral vision, so she’s really focused on her work,” explains Jeanette. “She doesn’t always notice the people beside her.” Liberty, who uses American Sign Language (ASL) with family and friends, communicates with shoppers by writing on a pad of paper.

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Boner Candidate #2: WE HAD TO IMPROVISE

A woman with multiple sclerosis wants Delta Air Lines to improve its service for disabled passengers after she claims she was tied to a wheelchair following an international flight earlier this month. Maria Saliagas was diagnosed with the central nervous system disease five years ago, but didn’t want her deteriorating health to stop her annual trips with her husband to Europe. So prior to her April 1 flight from Atlanta to Amsterdam, her son made arrangements with Delta officials to ensure that the proper wheelchair would be waiting for her on the other side of the Atlantic, WSB-TV reports. But the wheelchair with special straps to help her sit up straight wasn’t there, prompting Delta employees to improvise, Nathan Saliagas told the station. “They took a dirty blanket and tied her forcefully with it, and she has bruise marks on this part of her arm, which is where it was tied,” he said, pointing to his bicep. “I want them to show initiative that they’re willing to change their disability services.”

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