Alt. Rock News

Boner Fight for November 27th, 2019

Boner Candidate #1: I ATE 40 PIZZAS IN 30 DAYS.

Papa John’s founder John Schnatter said in an interview Monday that he’s disappointed with the quality of their food since his ouster — and he ate 40 pizzas in just one month to come to that conclusion. Speaking to local news station WDRB in Kentucky, Schnatter spoke about the alleged racism scandal that forced him to resign from the company — and the quality of the product since he’s stepped down. “I’ve had over 40 pizzas in the last 30 days, and it’s not the same pizza,” Schnatter told the news station. “It’s not the same product. It just doesn’t taste as good,” he added. “The way they’re making the pizza is just not fundamental to what makes a Papa John’s pizza,” Schnatter said. The pizza chain founder added in the interview that he believes he was set up by other company employees who recorded Schnatter using a racial slur while speaking on an internal conference call. Read More

Boner Candidate #2: WE’RE GOING TO CLOUD 9.

An employee at a Utah facility for troubled youth has been charged with child abuse after authorities say he allowed teens to choke each other as part of a game. Tuakimoana Leota, 20, was charged Tuesday with two counts of third-degree felony child abuse. Prosecutors allege that Leota had been working at Oxbow Academy East, and had looked on as several residents choked each other to the point of unconsciousness Friday as part of a game called “Cloud 9” or the “choking game.” Oxbow Academy describes itself as a treatment center for boys struggling with sexual issues. “Oxbow East” is a 16-bed facility specifically targeted for teens who have autism, according to its website. It’s located in Mount Pleasant, in a rural area in Sanpete County. Sanpete County deputies were called to the facility Friday after a 16-year-old boy was choked until he was unconscious, according to charging records. The boy was barely able to speak, a deputy wrote, and was shaking and had hemorrhaging in his eyes. Read More

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