A flurry of bands decided crotch grabbing isn’t cool.
Over the next 30 days, artists such as R.E.M., Aimee Mann, My Morning Jacket and more will be releasing songs via 30 Days, 30 Songs, Apple iTunes and Spotify songs “written and recorded by artists for a Trump-free America.”
30 Days, 30 Songs is an independent website that will release one song per day from October 10 until Election Day. It is produced by the creators of 90 Days, 90 Reasons, which sought to motivate voters to give President Obama a second term, and it features work from artists across the country.
As artists, we are united in our desire to speak out against the ignorant, divisive, and hateful campaign of Donald Trump. We will not be duped by Mr. Trump’s rhetorical contortions, by his pandering and lies and false promises. He has shown the content of his character time and time again, and the very fact of his candidacy is a blight on the nation. His words incite hatred and celebrate inequity. Most troubling of all, over the past year, the country has become inured to the towering vileness of his rhetoric and deeds, his attacks on women, Mexican-Americans, Muslims, and those with disabilities. But we have to remember these acts, and act against them. In the words of Cornell West, we cannot become “well-adjusted to injustice.”
In contrast to Trump’s demagoguery and complete lack of qualifications and temperament, Hillary Clinton is a calm, intelligent, empathetic professional with more relevant experience — as First Lady, Senator, and Secretary of State — than any candidate in the modern era. For those of you who find Clinton uninspiring, that is fine and understandable. But you don’t have to fall in love with a candidate. This is not a romance. We are electing the leader of the most powerful nation on earth. This is a decision for the head, not the heart. Hillary Clinton will keep the country on an even keel, and will build on the achievements of President Obama.
Donald Trump would subject the country to the same hateful cycle of drama and madness that we have been assaulted with for the last year. He will continue to demonize minorities and objectify women. He will throw the economy into chaos and gut environmental regulations. He will devastate our standing in the world.
It’s not enough to sit on the sidelines on this one.
We ask that you register to vote and volunteer and share these songs of protest. You are a steward of this democracy and your actions shape it at every turn. When you speak out, you shape our democracy and when you remain silent, you shape it as well. Do not let your voice go unheard. Join us and demand an America of tolerance, respect, and equality. Demand an America that moves toward racial, economic, and environmental justice.
We hope these songs provide both motivation and soundtrack to doing the right thing these last few weeks before this most pivotal election. Consider this the music by which you will register to vote and cast your ballot for Hillary Clinton, the only candidate who can prevent the apocalypse that would be Donald Trump as president.
—Artists for a Trump-free America
This playlist will be updated daily: