
Boner of the Day for June 7th, 2022

Boner Candidate #1: I’M NOT JUMPIN’ IN AFTER YOU

Three Tempe officers have been placed on paid leave after they stood by and watched as a homeless man, identified as Sean Bickings, was drowning and asking for help, one officer even telling the man, “I’m not jumping in after you”. Bickings’ wife was nearby and could be seen on body cam footage begging the officers to save him. Bickings was later pulled from the water and pronounced dead at the scene.

via The Guardian 

Boner Candidate #2: HE’S A LIAR AND A BOO BOO CRY BABY

Kyle Rittenhouse recently announced on a radio show that he would be attending Texas A&M but a spokeswoman for the school later said that Rittenhouse has never been admitted to the school. Rittenhouse later Tweeted that he would attend Texas A&M in 2023 and would first attend the open enrollment Blinn College. A spokesperson for Blinn College says that he has applied but has not enrolled in any classes.

via Dallas Morning News


Nashville radio host Clay Travis posted a video to Twitter of an eight-minute rant about getting himself kicked out of his son’s Little League game. Travis was particularly upset about an umpire’s call, saying it was “the worst umpire call in Little League history”.

via KUTV



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