Radio From Hell

Radio From Hell Wellness Check | 07.28.2023

How to Beat the Heat

Summer is here and the temperature are climbing. With all the vacations, outdoor activities and fun it’s important to take some steps to keep you and your family safe and comfortable. A few simple strategies can help you keep your cool.

  • Hydrate
    • Drinking water is important year-round, and especially during the summer months. Staying hydrated will helps to reduce risk of heat related illness and helps us to feel refreshed and a bit cooler. Try to stick with water and limit caffeine, alcohol, and sugary drinks as they can lead to dehydration.
  • Eat foods that are cool and light.
    • Eating foods that are fresh (such and fruits and veggies) and cool, such as smoothies can help keep your internal temperature down. In addition, foods that have a higher water content will help you to stay hydrated. Heavier foods that are higher in fat are harder to digest and make your body work harder raising internal temperatures.
  • Dress wisely
    • Opt for clothing that is light in color and made from breathable material. Light colored clothing will reflect the sun’s rays keeping you cooler while darker colors absorb and trap the heat from the sun. Also consider wearing looser-fitting clothing that allows for more air circulation. In addition, hats and other sun protective clothing can help you to stay cool and avoid sun burns.
  • Plan ahead
    • If possible, stay indoors (preferable with air conditioning or a fan) during the hottest times of the day. If you are out, try to pack extra water and sun protection. Packing a cold or ice pack is a great way to stay cool, especially if you are hiking or doing other strenuous outdoor activity.
  • Look out for signs and symptoms of heat related illness.
    • People with heart disease, the young and the elderly are at a higher risk of suffering from heat related illness since their bodies do not adapt as easily to the heat. Some signs and symptoms of heat related illness are, headache, dizziness, weakness, nausea, heavy sweating, no sweating, chills, rapid heartbeat, and intense thirst.
    • If you, or someone else is experiencing these symptoms try to get to a cooler spot as soon as possible, apply cool compresses and slowly drink water. If the situation is more sever continue to care for the person while calling 911.

Summer should be a time of relaxation and fun. Following these simple steps can help you to embrace the summertime fun while staying healthy and comfortable.


9 Tips to Beat the Heat

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