Radio From Hell

Radio From Hell Wellness Check | 2.20.2024

All About Willpower

We usually think about willpower as a finite resource, something that eventually runs out, then we are just out of luck. Recent studies have shown that will power is more than determination, grit, and resolve. Willpower is actually a skill that we can develop and grow! These studies have even shown that sometimes using our willpower to work on difficult tasks can lead to more energy. So, how do we strengthen this skill of willpower? Here are some tips to help you out.

  • Adjust your mindset around willpower.
    • If you believe that you are going to be exhausted by exerting some willpower, chances are that you will. Remind yourself that using willpower to complete (or not complete) a task will actually help you build even more willpower and give you a little boost of energy.
  • Savor the pause.
    • Our “knee jerk” reactions are often the opposite of what we want to do or say. Practice taking a pause before acting and speaking. Even just one breath can make a big difference. This pause helps us build the skill of intentionally.
  • Understand your “why.”
    • Work to get a deeper understanding of why your goals are important you. How does the goal align with your values? How does this goal impact your future self? When we have a better understanding of our why, or deeper meanings, we are more likely to engage with our goals.
  • Lean into the joy.
    • Ask yourself what you like about the task itself. Is there a way you can make it more fun or enjoyable? Can you imagine how good it will feel when the task is done? Try to find reasons to feel good around the tasks you are doing. Leaning in to these feelings of joy will make the task much easier to accomplish.

As with many things in life, how we feel about it can impact the way we act and respond. Our mindset around willpower can help us to reach our goals, be more intentional, and feel a bit more joy along the way. Remember, give yourself lots of compassion, positive self-talk, and a good support team as you strive to make these changes.

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