Radio From Hell

Radio From Hell Wellness Check for July 9th, 2024

Eating Health While Traveling

Summer is here and for many families that means spending less time at home. Whether you’re taking a vacation, spending the day at the pool, or driving to the next town over for a sports tournament, being away from home can make meeting basic nutritional needs difficult. These tips can help you stay fueled for your next trip.

  • Do some research.
    • If you are going to spending an extended time in a new area look up the available restaurants, grocery stores, and markets. Becoming familiar with your options ahead of time can also help you avoid decision fatigue.
  • Pack some healthy snacks and/or meals.
    • Nuts
    • Jerky
    • Protein bars
    • Dried fruit
    • Packable fruits and vegetables
    • Packaged salads
    • Sandwiches, etc.
  • Head to the local grocery store to purchase the staples.
  • Allow yourself to enjoy the local cuisine.
    • A fun part of travel is often trying out new foods. Eating healthy can include indulging in the local specialties.
  • Remember the basic three
    • Eat slowly
    • Pay attention while eating (enjoy your food!)
    • Eat until satisfied (~80% full)

The most important thing to remember is to have fun and enjoy your trip. Eating healthier foods can help you to feel more energized and hopefully avoid digestive distress. Do your best to plan ahead, but also be flexible and open to trying new things. Bon voyage and happy eating!,jerky%20to%20keep%20you%20fueled

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