Kick ass, face, and everything else in Anger Foot
- First person action game where you kick your way through Sh*t City to recover your sneakers
- Out this Thursday on MacOS and PC
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zy-lMjnBLJY
Make people work for if when they ask for your number with Math Encrypt
- Turns any positive integer into an absurdly complex math equation
- https://scientific.place/math-encrypt/
Are you a checker or an unchecker? Find out on Million Check Boxes
- Checking a box checks it for everyone
- Defend your boxes!
- https://onemillioncheckboxes.com/
Too complicated for you? Maybe One Checkbox is more your speed
- See how many people are fighting with you at this moment
- https://onecheckbox.com/
Forget learning color hex codes, Text2Color picks colors using natural language
- Try something like “Barbie pink” or “color of raisins”
- https://text2color.com/picker.html
I don’t know how this crazy website works–maybe you can figure it out
- Liquid Layers is like having a screen full of digital water
- See what happens when you press 1,2,3,4 or ‘D’
- Wiggle your browser window around and the liquid will slosh around!
- https://grantkot.com/ll/