Radio From Hell

Tech Talk with Jonathan Deesing for April 26th, 2022

Got the streaming blues and want to do some old-fashioned channel surfing? Check out My 70s TV!
    • Includes thousands of 70s TV shows, playing at random, on different channels
    • Can filter down by type so you only end up watching certain genres
    • See if you can get your younger sibling to get up and change the channel!
    • Also includes TVs for the 60s, 80s, 90s, and 2000s!
In a windfall for Bill’s gaming career, Netflix plans to offer 50 free games by the end of this year
Looking for a unique new ringtone? How about the puffs and pings of the gaseous dust removal tool on the Mars Perseverance rover?
You heard it here first, LEGO has joined forces with the people behind Fornite to make a LEGO Metaverse



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