Talk about a real bridezilla
A woman by the name of “Susan” called off her wedding and broke up with her fiancé, all while blaming her friends and family as the reason for the cancellation. In a giant, expletive-laden rant posted to Facebook, Susan disowns everyone she knows because they wouldn’t contribute $1,500 each to help reach the $60,000 total to host the dream wedding in Aruba. In the end, only eight people ponied up the money.
According to dailymail.co.uk, she wrote, ”
“‘Dear friends, it comes with great sadness that I am announcing the cancellation of the wedding. I apologise [sic] for cancelling [sic] only four days beforehand. Unfortunately, [fiance] and I have broken up due to some recent and irreparable problems. We have decided to end our relationship and not go forth with any future proceedings.'”
I couldn’t track down the Facebook post, so who knows.
The newly single Susan is now heading off to spend two months backpacking in South America to find herself and says she will re-add any of the friends and family who haven’t “stabbed” her in the back.