
Panera Bread Made a Bread Bowl Glove for Holding Your Iced Coffee on Cold Days

Panera Bread wants to keep iced coffee lovers happy, so it’s had to get creative. Enter the bread bowl glove.

Yep, Panera Bread have turned their famous bread bowl into a glove and hand warmer for people who also enjoy the brand’s iced coffee drinks.

Ok, so it’s not really made of bread. It’s a fabric-made glove that just looks like bread. There’s a space for your hand to get cozy and for your iced coffee to stay held.

You can’t buy it, so if you want a shot at winning your own bread bowl glove, you have until January 29 to sign up at

Would you use this glove/hand warmer to hold your cold drink? What do you order from Panera?

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