
Wisconsin Residents Pack Bars Hours after Restrictions are Overturned

It didn’t take long for Wisconsin residents to catch wind of Wednesday’s ruling that overturned the governor’s coronavirus restrictions. Just hours after the state Supreme Court announced its decision, Wisconsin’s bars and nightclubs were packed with people. One photo posted on Twitter shows a bar full of people, none of whom appear to be wearing masks or observing social distancing orders. Its caption reads, “45 minutes after the bars open in Wisconsin.” Another post includes video of another over-filled bar.

The statewide drinking frenzy came shortly after Supreme Court judges voted 4-3 to overturn the state’s extension on coronavirus restrictions, which had changed the expiration date from April 24th to May 26th. Commenting on the ruling, Governor Tony Evers says, “There’s no question among anybody that people are going to get sick. Republicans own that chaos.”

Do you agree with the court’s ruling? Does the judges’ decision set a precedent for the rest of the U.S.?

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