
Boner Fight for January 19th, 2021


A New Mexico county official and founder of the group Cowboys for Trump who had vowed to return to Washington after last week’s riot at the U.S. Capitol to place a flag on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s desk was arrested Sunday by the FBI. Otero County Commissioner Couy Griffin was arrested on charges of illegally entering the U.S. Capitol. According to court documents, Griffin told investigators that he was “caught up” in the crowd, which pushed its way through the barricades and entered the restricted area of the U.S. Capitol, but he said he did not enter the building and instead remained on the U.S. Capitol steps. A video posted to Griffin’s personal Facebook page shows Griffin in the restricted areas, according to the affidavit. Griffin did not immediately respond to phone or text messages seeking comment. Last April, Griffin rode his horse through downtown Salt Lake City with Cowboys for Trump, which rode through major U.S. cities starting with San Francisco on April 12, 2020, and ending with New York City on May 1. On Thursday, Griffin said he planned to travel with firearms to Washington, D.C., for Biden’s inauguration.

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WASHINGTON — Despite claiming “we are Americans,” Utah Rep. Burgess Owens continued to claim the “lefts” were dividing the country in a tweet Monday morning. Owens was responding to a tweet that asked for him to resign, along with blaming him and President Donald Trump for the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol that left five people dead. The tweet appeared to start off with words to bring the country back together, but quickly veered off into a condemnation of the Democratic Party. “Remember my friends, we are Americans. We fight back the Lefts divisive spirit and replace it with We the People harmony. We inherently drift toward the light.. civility, service, kindness. Let’s work to find our better selves & watch the angry left implode. Can’t help themselves.” tweeted Owens. Many believe Trump played some role in inciting the violent protests on Jan. 6 that disrupted the Electoral College process in Congress. Last week, Trump became the first president in U.S. history to be impeached twice. Throughout the campaign leading up to Election Day in November, Owens aligned himself with Trump and supported the president’s unsubstantiated claims of election fraud following the victory of Joe Biden.

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