As fellow pool-goers took dives and swam in the refreshing water, a woman sat by herself with a razor in hand. The footage was filmed in Florida, US. A few feet away from her children were seen bobbing past. The woman seemed quite focused on the task at hand as she seemed oblivious to her surroundings. Other swimmers didn’t seem to take any notice of her. If any of them did, they never reacted or tried to stop her from what she was doing. The only person who seemed to notice what the lady was doing was the cameraman. The video was taken discreetly and then shared on Reddit. The clip was upvoted more than 55,000 times on the website. It also received more than 1,600 comments from those who watched it. A Reddit user named muh_feelz157 wrote ‘Yeah I used to work at a public pool and for whatever reason they attract the worst of humanity. I would never swim in a public pool after that experience.’ Another one named Pyrokill188 advised ‘Go practice swimming at your local gym instead, lots have pools. At least at a gym you’re (probably) only swimming in other people’s sweat.’
NOFX crossed the line in a big way Sunday in Vegas, when they made a crack about the Vegas shooting, saying the silver lining was that the people killed were country fans and not punk fans. The band was playing the Punk Rock Bowling & Music Festival, and when they finished a song frontman Fat Mike said, “We played a song about Muslims and we didn’t get shot. Hooray.” But, it didn’t end there … another band member jumped in and said, “I guess you only get shot in Vegas if you are in a country band.” And it got even worse … “That [the massacre] sucked, but at least they were country fans and no punk rock fans.” Some audience members audibly recoiled, but the singer then jumped in, “You were all thinking it.” 58 people were killed and almost 500 were injured in the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history.
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