Every Wednesday morning at 9, Corey O’Brien (x96, 7p to midnight) joins Radio From Hell to keep your life from passing you by.
Corey’s Concert and Event Calendar is sponsored by:
Have an event coming up? Submit it using the form at the bottom of this post and Corey may feature it.
*This calendar is mostly accurate. probably!
•Clap Your Hands Say Yeah at Urban Lounge
Love this band. You might remember their catchy song “Satan Said Dance” in the film “Choke.” I’d go to just hear them play that song alone. They have a new album out called “The Tourist.”
•Save Ferris at Metro Music Hall
The cover of “Come On Eileen” was hot for a click in the 90’s, but Save Ferris had many a fine song if you would just take the time to get to know them. “The World Is New”, “Goodbye”, and “Let Me In.” Now I am going to go dig up my Dance Hall Crashers, albums, too.
•Starting Out in Kink, What I Wish I’d Known at Area 51
For those starting out in a kinky lifestyle, there are a lot of potential potholes. We’ve gathered a panel of several exceptional and experienced individuals to share some of the insight they’ve gathered over the years. I have a few things to share: laughing with handcuffs on will get you flogged. There’s no such thing as try – there is do or not put that there. Rope burns are real. Please, never in public. No one wants to see that. I know what your thinking. That’s not hard. Exactly, if it isn’t hard you’re probably not into it. Time to buy a jigsaw puzzle.
•Taste and Tone at Mountain West Hard Cider
To feel like a kid again until you are drunk and are acting like a kid. Ciders aren’t just for those big city sophisticates anymore. They are the thing to put in your face with sophistication and a wink knowing you are just drinking boozy fruit juice. That’s that the haters say. I am not a hater. I say go learn about cider, so you can be that guy at the next dinner party you’re invited to. Oh, did I mention they’ll be doing yoga, too? Much like the kinkfest are Area 51, if you’re cider isn’t hard, your’re probably not that into it. Grab a Zima.
•International Sportsmans Expo at the Southtowne Expo Center
If you’re feeling like a candy-ass because you don’t hunt, fish, shoot arrows from a bow or kill for your food then you are. It’s okay though, we have Arcade Fire and LCD Soundsystem releasing new music this year, so we’ll be fine. If you feel like you need to “man up” as they say, get some sweet camo and some stellar gear. Get a pontoon. Damn, we live in a place that forces to act like a mau-dude-buddy-bro from time to time. Knife to table, bitches. We all have a little Joe Rogan in us. Runs through the 19th!
•Salt Lake Comic Con Fan X at Salt Palace Convention Center
I got dibs on Weird Al. The rest of ya’ll can chat with Cary Elwes about Robin Hood Men in Tights and the movie he did with Alicia Silverstone where she stole his used rubber. Gross. Of course, you can catch Stan Lee, Jason Momoa, Richard Paul Evans, and many more celebs. I look forward to seeing all your pics on socials! Runs through Saturday.
•Weekend of St. Patrick’s Day Drinking Begins
Many call it amateur hour and in many ways it is. That being said, green beer. It’s like regular beer, but green. Get that chip off your shoulder, put that old Larry Bird jersey on and get a sitter for the kids. Come party at every bar in the entire state, country. Or you could watch this video and stay in a binge watch Netflix. And for the love off all that’s good in the world DON’T DRINK AND DRIVE!
•Monster Truck Insanity at Deseret Peak Complex
Catch the insanity today and tomorrow in Tooele. And here I was thinking, “damn, why doesn’t Tooele have anything going on this week?” The Monster Truck Insanity Tour will turn the Deseret Peak Complex indoor arena into a battleground with 2 huge shows on March 17th and 18th! Pit Party each night from 5:30-6:30, showtime is 7:00 pm! Come check out this awesome lineup of monsters as they compete in tailgate dragging wheelie contests, heads up racing, and insane car crushing, mud flinging freestyle! This family friendly event also includes: High Flying Mini Monster Trucks, Monster Truck Rides, Autograph Sessions, and local Tough Trucks Races! Discounted Advance tickets starting at just $8 for kids, and $16 for adults, are available online at www.livealittleproductions.com! Get yours now as this event will sell out!
•Saint Patrick’s Day Parade at The Gateway
The Gateway is still good for something: a parade! What event do you think people get more drunk at: St. Patrick’s Day or Pride Weekend? We’ll never know, but this family friendly event is great fun before everyone around 21 turns into a walking Uber ad. The parade is put on by the lovely folks at the Hibernian Society of Utah. Look for Radio From Hell and X96 marching along! The parade starts at 10am. The parade ends at 10:45 when a lovely celebrash kicks off with music, food, and beverage at the Union Pacific Building.
•Matisyahu at Park City Live
Yes, I still listen to the “Live at Stubbs” EP and it is still fantastic. That’s all I can speak to. He has left the hysidic thing behind and moved into movies showing up in films like “Knocked Up.”
•Nine Inch Nails Tribute Night at Area 51
Oh Trent, you promised us big surprises at the end of 2016 and delivered a bummer of an EP. Let’s remember the good times of “Pretty Hate Machine” and “The Downward Spiral” and drink while we’re doing it.
•Geekshow Podcast Live at 50 West
Jay has never sene Raiders of the Lost Ark, so the guys will be live riffing the show and you can come join. Doors at 7pm, the movie starts at 8pm then a huge dance party after. 21+ because we be drankin’!
•Real Salt Lake vs. L.A. Galaxy
You should celebrate the continued St. Patrick’s Day fun by cheering on RSL as they wipe smack the pitch out of L.A.’s mouth, fool! Kick off is at 7:30pm at Rio Tinto.
•Panic! at the Disco at UCCU Center in Orem
Practially a Utah house band at this point, but you love them! You really, really love them!
•SLMC Polar Bear Ride
A chilly, first ride of the season kicking off at SL Harley Davidson and ending at The Depot with music from American Hitmen and Black and Blue.
•Grizzlies vs. Colorado at Maverik Center
The more comedian podcast I listen to the more curious I become regarding hockey. They all seem obsessed. I am missing something here and there are no indie, hipster band playing, so I am going to give hockey another shot.
There’s always more on our YUGE calendar.
Have an event? Tell Corey about it…
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