With the coronavirus pandemic causing many to think of ways to get the cash flowing again, some restaurants are thinking backward to move forward by turning their parking lots into drive-in movie theaters.”When the world is shutting down, we have to go back to our roots for entertainment,” said Clint Gibson who owns BJ’s Restaurant and Bar in Texas. For the transformation restaurants simply erect screens in their parking lots and have patrons tune in to the audio broadcast on an FM radio station. It’s been such a success for some businesses that they’ve begun to show movies to the public each week.
How do restaurants drum up business, tap into nostalgia, and give people a pandemic-proof way to get out of the house? Turn the parking lot into a drive-in theater!!!!! https://t.co/bM3l0DKj8X
— Naomi Tomky (@gastrognome) April 23, 2020
In other news, the Redwood Drive-In Theater will open tomorrow, Friday, April 24th.
Welcome back! Our screens open this Friday, April 24th!
See showtimes here: https://t.co/72F3IDvcY4 pic.twitter.com/lCbZuJPcBS
— Redwood Drive-In (@RedwoodDriveIn) April 22, 2020