Alt. Rock News

Boner of the Day for September 14th, 2021


Boner Candidate #1: THE BRAIN THIEF.

A woman in Russia raided her ex-husband’s cryogenics and stole their brains out of nothing but spite.

via The U.S. Sun

Boner Candidate #2: HOW ABOUT THIS TO PAY MY TOLL?

On seven different occasions within a week, a man in Florida exposed himself to toll booth workers.

via Local 10


A picture taken at the ‘Peach Day Parade’ featured people parading with flags that say “F— Biden” according to a picture taken and shared on Twitter


Boner Candidate #1: SPORTS

At the beginning of L.A.’s game against Chicago on Sunday, two people got in an argument over the Bears and Rams. The argument went from verbal to violent until security came to split them up.

via TMZ Sports

Boner Candidate #2: I’M THE ANTI-PATTON OSWALD.

Former cast member of Saturday Night Live, Jim Breuer cancelled his show “due to the segregation of them forcing people to show up with vaccinations.”

via NBC News

Boner Candidate #3: DR. MINAJ.

Nicki Minaj made a claim on Twitter that, Covid-19 can cause swollen testicles. Professor Dr. Leana Wen at George Washington University says “It is just not true that getting the COVID-19 vaccine is associated with infertility in either males or females,”

via People

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