Alt. Rock News

Nickelback, Stone Temple Pilots Announce “All The Right Reasons” Summer Tour

I mean, I can think of a few wrong ones, however…add another huge rock tour to the crowded summer schedule – Nickelback and Stone Temple Pilots will be hitting the road for a massive 46-city tour starting in June, including a date in Salt Lake City at USANA on Saturday, September 19th. Nickelback will be marking the 15th anniversary of their 2005 album All The Right Reasons and performing the album in its entirety. The bands will be supported by Tyler Bryant & The Shakedown on the first half of the tour and Switchfoot on the second half. The tour kicks off June 19th in Raleigh, NC and runs all the way through early October. Tickets go on sale this Thursday, Jan. 23rd.

Tickets for the Salt Lake Show will go on sale this Thursday, January 23rd at 10 am Livenation.

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