
Boner of the Day for April 16th, 2024

Boner Candidate #1: I’M A BUCKET BIOLOGIST! 

In Emery County, Utah, in Millsite Reservoir, it has been found that a species of fish was illegally introduced and is putting the native species in the reservoir at risk. This is called “bucket biology” when someone illegally introduces fish or wildlife to an area.  This has also happened at Strawberry Reservoir when someone caught a Walleye while fishing.

via Fox 13 



Liberation Station Bookstore is a children’s bookstore in Raleigh, North Carolina and is considered to be the first Black-owned bookstore in the state. However, the store is sadly closing after only being open since September 2023 due to alleged death threats. “Our choice to close our physical location is not a retreat, but rather a reimagining of our aspirations, dreams, vision, and above all, our SAFTEY—both physical and emotional,” said the owner Victoria Scott-Miller in a Facebook post. “Some we brushed off, while others included disturbing phone calls detailing what our son Langston wore when he was at the shop alone,” said the Facebook post. 

via Fox 13 



Boner Candidate #3: OKAY, THE WINNER! 

In Wyoming, a man named Cody Roberts is facing massive backlash for allegedly torturing and then killing a wolf. What is alleged to have happened is that Roberts ran the wolf over with a snowmobile, injured it, and took it to the Green River Bar and showed it around to the other bar patrons, then tortured it and killed it. Roberts has been charged a $250 fine for being in possession of a live wolf, but not for the torture or killing. Wayne Pacelle, the President of Animal Wellness Action, said “A remorseless, cruel monster like this is a threat to other animals, and a threat to people. The law must speak.” Many are angry at Roberts but many, including Roberts family members, support the alleged actions.

via The Sun




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