A legal battle is brewing between the surviving members of Soundgarden and Chris Cornell’s widow. Vicky Cornell is suing her […]
Nirvana’s lawsuit against fashion designer Marc Jacobs over his use of the Nirvana’s smiley face logo for a shirt in […]
AT&T has to pay out more than $60 million to customers that were duped by the company’s supposedly ‘unlimited’ data […]
At The Offspring’s more recent shows, some may have noticed that Greg Kriesel hasn’t been on stage, with No Doubt’s […]
When they signed on to play at the Fyre Festival, blink-182 was given $500,000. But since the 2017 event never […]
A Welsh man wasn’t too happy about his local brewery offering discounted beers to women, so he took them to […]
Do parents who post pictures on social media of everything their child does have to fear a lawsuit for overexposure […]
Five states and the District of Columbia are suing the White House over the rollback of school lunch regulations, ABC […]
You may not be aware, but Playboy has a huge fanbase of blind readers. While some may joke that they […]
A New York woman filed a lawsuit this month against Canada Dry, claiming its ginger ale doesn’t contain ginger as […]