Many Simpsons fans are convinced the series can predict the future – and it may have just done it again.
The 2000 episode “Bart to the Future” is already famous for a scene in which Lisa Simpson, in the future, has been elected President and tells her staff “we’ve inherited quite a budget crunch from President Trump.”
"The Simpsons" seemed to get it right again — by predicting part of the inauguration https://t.co/xbE6ddfw0w pic.twitter.com/FSUIqnoodf
— CNN (@CNN) January 22, 2021
Now that prediction is twice as eerie. In the scene, Lisa is wearing a purple blazer and pearl necklace – almost identical to the outfit Kamala Harris wore when she was sworn in as the nation’s first-ever female Vice President.
Do you think The Simpsons really can predict the future? Was Harris’ outfit intentionally chosen to match Lisa’s?