Boner Candidate #1 – Mother of the Century
Photo by Brad K
PERRY, Box Elder County — A mother with a history of drug abuse is accused of taking and selling nude photos of her grade school-aged child. (Read story)
Boner Candidate #2 – You Call This a Haircut?
Photo By Zagrev
A Wood Dale man who pointed a BB gun at a barber after a “disappointing” haircut was acquitted Monday of assault and gun charges. (Read Story)
Boner Candidate #3 – The Sleazy Shirtless Judge
Photo by Tony Alter
A randy Brooklyn judge turned the hallowed halls of justice into a seedy sleaze pit — sexually harassing his Orthodox Jewish secretary with lurid tales about his erotic adventures with a mistress, proudly striding shirtless around his chambers, and forcing her to pick up his soiled underwear, a new lawsuit charges. (Read Story)
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