
If You Had a Theme Song, What Would It Be?

Here at X96 we have been asked to blog regularly. I have decided that I will answer one question each day and that will serve as my blog. Sometimes they will be long. Other times I imagine they will be short. Questions can be about whatever people choose to ask me.

Today’s Question: from Haley Arismendi – If you had a theme song what would it be and why?

My Answer:

When I received this question, 1 song came to mind. Gary Lewis and the Playboys “Everybody Loves A Clown

I love this blog so far because I learned a couple things just since the question was asked. For example I didn’t know that Gary Lewis of Gary Lewis and the Playboys is the son of Jerry Lewis. I also didn’t know about this awesomely creepy video.

So that’s my theme song.

As to WHY it is my theme song…there were a lot of times when I was single that I felt like I had tried my very best with those I was interested in, only to have them not be interested in me; hence, Everybody Loves a Clown but why don’t you? It’s not a very happy song when you really think about it, but my theme song nonetheless.

If you have a question that you would like to see in a future blog please send the question to [email protected]. Put 1 Question in the subject line and include a photo/short bio of yourself to give content to whom is asking the question.

10850631_10204516505089325_792707707_nHaley Arismendi is passionate about connecting with people and the art of communication. As of Dec. 2014, Haley is a graduate from Weber State University, earning a communication degree with an emphasis in PR and advertising. Her hobbies include writing, hiking, and floral design.




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