Boner Candidate #1: WHITE GIRLS ONLY
A Yale fraternity instituted a “white girls only” policy at a weekend rager, a student at the Ivy League university is charging on social media. “I’d just like to take a moment to give a shoutout to the member of Yale’s Sigma Alpha Epsilon chapter who turned away a group of girls from their party last night, explaining that admittance was on a ‘White Girls Only’ basis,” sophomore Neema Githere posted to Facebook on Saturday.
A Florida middle school girl was reportedly given detention after she gave her friends a hug before the bell rang for classes to begin for the day. The Jackson Heights Middle School eighth-grader told WKMG Tuesday the hug lasted “literally for a second.” The disputed contact has the girl’s parents questioning the Oviedo school’s policies.
Boner Candidate #3: IT WAS HALLOWEEN FUN
Although most people in the U.S. would likely agree that dressing up as a Ku Klux Klansman for Halloween is totally offensive and inappropriate, there’s still that fringe element of Americans who want to push the envelope. Cary Kent Sharp is apparently on that edge of society. On Saturday, police were called on the Lahoma, Oklahoma, resident after he and several other men were seen dressed in KKK robes and standing around a cross. Sharp is married to the mayor of the predominantly white town.
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